DBOS' Gifts and Hospitality Policy

DBOS' gifts and hospitality policy (‘Policy”) discourages the Directors and employees, including their immediate family members and agent(s) from providing and receiving gifts to/from external parties.

In principle, Directors and employees, including their immediate family members and agent(s) must not accept any gift and hospitality. Gifts and hospitality must not be accepted in any of the following circumstances:

  1. It is likely to result in unnecessary or undesirable indirect or direct publicity for the Bank or may adversely affect the reputation of the Bank.
  2. It is intended to exert influence on the Bank's ongoing or pending business transaction with the giver. This includes the gifts and hospitality received from or offered to agent(s) with whom DBOS is currently in negotiations with or is about to commence/enter into such negotiations or involved in, in which the recipient or giver is directly participating in, conducting or supervising such negotiations.
  3. The receipt or offering of such gifts and hospitality would unfairly influence the decisions of the recipients or place the recipient under an expectation to reciprocate or grant any preferential treatment.
  4. Any gift that would be illegal or in breach of local or foreign bribery and corruption law, if applicable.

Besides items that are allowed under the Exception clause, the Bank allows certain gifts and hospitality of minimal value within the limit of frequency to be received and provided during festive seasons, special occasions and for business purpose as a mark of appreciation to build business relationship in accordance with the Policy.

Directors and immediate family members are not allowed to provide gifts and hospitality if the receiver has business dealings with the Bank.

Directors, and employees, including their immediate family members and agent (s) are expected to exercise proper judgment in handling gifts and hospitality activities and behave in a manner consistent with the general principles set below:

  1. conscientiously maintain the highest degree of integrity;
  2. always exercise proper care and judgment;
  3. avoid conflicts of interest;
  4. refrain from taking advantage of your position or exercising your authority to further your own personal interest at the expense of DBOS; and
  5. comply with applicable laws, regulations and DBOS' policies and procedures

Where applicable, any gift and hospitality received or provided need to be registered and maintained for future reference as part of transparency and accountability practice.

If in doubt on the handling of gifts and hospitality, please consult the relevant Head of Department / Human Resource Department / Legal & Compliance Department of DBOS.


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